Australia to require sprinklers in apartment buildings
The Australian Building Codes Board has announced that from May 2019 it will require sprinklers in apartment buildings of four storeys or more. Currently the height threshold for sprinklers is 25m. At the same time, Australia is introducing national standards
Scotland to require sprinklers in new flats
Yesterday, 6 December, the Scottish Government announced that it will introduce legislation next year to require sprinklers in new apartment buildings. Meanwhile, the value of sprinklers was once again demonstrated when a chip pan (deep fat fryer) fire was extinguished by
Over 700 sprinklered hotels in Europe
When travelling or organising an event we recommend you use a sprinklered hotel. Analyses of incident reports from US fire services repeatedly show that sprinklers prevent hotel fire deaths.
Liverpool Arena Car Park to be Rebuilt with Sprinklers
On 31 December 2017 a fire in the Liverpool Arena Car Park destroyed 1,300 cars and damaged the structure so badly it has to be demolished.
Scotland to Require Sprinklers in All New Social Housing
The Scottish Government has announced that it will take forward a legislative proposal law by David Stewart, Member of the Scottish Parliament, to require sprinklers in all new social housing.
FSI 2018 a Huge Success!
Well over 300 delegates attended Fire Sprinkler International 2018 in Stockholm on 13-14 June.
Hackitt Review Published
On 17 May the long-awaited report of the review of England's Building Regulations and fire safety was published. The review was commissioned by the British government in response to the Grenfell Tower disaster.
Sprinkler Article in La Vanguardia
La Vanguardia, the Spanish newspaper, has an article about the benefits of sprinklers today, 14 May. EFSN member Tecnifuego-Aespi is quoted in the article. Read more
EFSN Co-Signatory to Letter to British Prime Minister
The EFSN is a signatory to a letter to Theresa May calling on her to implement three straightforward measures to the fire safety measures in high-rise and high-risk buildings: sprinklers,
Most British People Want Sprinklers in High Rise and High Risk Buildings
According to a poll conducted on behalf of Rockwool, a company that makes non-combustible insulation, 86% of British adults support the fitting of sprinklers in existing buildings, and 88% in new buildings.