Two Killed in Unsprinklered Care Home in Stockholm
Two women died on 18th February when fire broke out at the Vintertullen home for the elderly in Södermalm, Stockholm.
New Belgian Prisons Fitted with Sprinklers
An official has confirmed that the new prisons in Beveren, Dendermonde, Leuze-en-Hainaut, Marche-en-Famenne and Haren
Nine injured in Unsprinklered Hotel Fire in Val d’Isère
French media report that six people were injured, two seriously, in a fire at a hotel in the Alpine ski resort of Val d'Isère.
Cebr and BRE Reports find Economic Case for Sprinklers in Warehouses
Independent conducted research by the Centre for Economics and Business Research has analysed the economic impact
EFSN AGM 19 May in London
On 19 May the European Fire Sprinkler Network will hold its annual general meeting in the Grange Tower Bridge Hotel, starting at 13:30.
Ontario and Alberta Consider Tougher Care Home Sprinkler Requirements
The fire in a care home in Quebec on 23rd January, which has killed at least 30 people,
Tragic Quebec Care Home Fire Kills at least 30
A fire in a home for the elderly in L'Isle Verte, Quebec, which was reported at 00:30 on 23rd January, has killed five and another 30 people are missing.
Fire Sprinkler Week 3-9 February 2014
On 3-9 February 2014 the Chief Fire Officers' Association will run the UK's first ever Fire Sprinkler Week.
Sprinkler Week gets a Boost from Merseyside Projects
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service has announced that it will fund the fitting of sprinklers in each of its five districts,
Sprinkler System Extinguishes Dutch Fireworks Storage Fire
The fire brigade in Almere, The Netherlands, reports that it was called shortly after 10:00 on 20th December