Kilsby in Northamptonshire is the site of a major transport hub for UK distributers. At just after 05:00 on 31st October 2012 the sprinkler system at the Tesco grocery distribution depot operated when a fire occurred in the aerosol compound. This compound, situated in the 158,000 m², 15m high facility, contains highly volatile products. Two heads activated and controlled the fire within seconds with minimal damage. The system is fed by a pump from a stored water facility. None of the 300 occupants of the building were injured in the incident while stock in the distribution centre, believed to value several millions of pounds, was unaffected by the fire.Northamptonshire Fire & Rescue Service required only a minimal attendance at this incident.At 02:35 on 9th November East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service was called to a shared residence in Hove. Jo Fowler reports that on arrival fire-fighters found that the residential sprinkler system had operated and extinguished the fire. Two women, aged 18 and 22, had returned late after consuming a lot of alcohol, put food on the stove and fallen asleep. The cooking oil in the pan on the stove caught fire.

At about 13:30 on Sunday, 11th November 2012, a fire occurred in a production facility at a felt mill in Ossett, West Yorkshire. It is understood that none of the six people in the building was injured. Eight sprinkler heads activated on the system which is supplied by pumps from a tank. The fire was reported to have been contained and West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service attended with two pumping appliances to ensure the fire was completely extinguished.Tyne & Wear Fire & Rescue Service received a call to a fire in an electrical substation in Eldon Square Shopping Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne on 14th November at 02.09. The fire was caused by water dripping from the floor above onto a live switch generator which exploded, releasing large quantities of oil to produce an immediate flashover within the fire compartment. Fire Crews used CO2 extinguishers to complete extinguishment following isolation of the electricity supply. One sprinkler head operated to contain the fire damage to the room of origin.At 20:38 on Monday 26th November 2012 West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service received a call to a fire in a two-storey, 400m² retail outlet in a major shopping centre. On arrival fire-fighters found that the mains-fed sprinkler system had already activated and one head had controlled the fire, preventing it from spreading and allowing the 4 staff to escape the premises. Damage from the fire was estimated at 5% of the premises in question.Stew Adamson of Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service reports that fire crews were called to a warehouse in Walworth Industrial Estate in Andover at 08:21. In arrival they found that the sprinkler system activated and controlled the fire. Only one per cent of the building was damaged. Stew Adamson said, “The effect of fire on businesses can be catastrophic and 80 per cent fail within one year following a fire. This business is still operating and the fire did not affect surrounding businesses due to the sprinkler system. All businesses should have plans in place to prevent fire, respond to fire and importantly recover after a fire.” In this incident two sprinkler heads were activated. The warehouse is of steel construction measuring 120 metres by 85 metres. An investigation showed that the cause of this fire was an electrical fault.