Norwegian sprinkler market hits new record in 2017
Brannteknisk Forening, the Norwegian fire association, has published record statistics for the numbers of sprinklers and water mist nozzles installed in Norway in 2017.
London Assembly report calls for sprinklers
A report published by the London Assembly has called for sprinklers to be fitted in all new apartment buildings higher than 18m and over time to become required in all new housing.
Record sprinkler market in Sweden
Sprinklerfrämjandet, the Swedish sprinkler association, has published figures for the numbers of sprinklers installed in Sweden in 2017.
IFSA Newsletter Published
The International Fire Suppession Alliance has published its latest newsletter,
Two dead from fire in unsprinklered Prague hotel
News media report that two people have died and dozens were injured in a fire in the Eurostars David Hotel in Prague.
New French car park regulations and another French car park fire
At around 04:00 this morning, 10th January, a fire was reported in an underground car park in Choisy-le-Roi, south of Paris. 120 firefighters attended. One firefighter suffered a heart attack and was taken to hospital.
Hackitt Interim Report Published
Shortly before Christmas, Dame Judith Hackitt published an interim report of her review of building regulations and fire safety.
US Offers Tax Incentive to Install Sprinklers
As part of the recently announced US federal tax reform, known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, small businesses will be able to expense the retrofit of fire sprinklers
Major fires in Germany
German media report that a fire in Saarbrücken has killed four people and injured 23, while a fire in Berlin has injured 22 people.
Major Fires in Capital Cities
There have been several major fires recently in some of Europe's capital cities. In each fire the burning building was not fitted with sprinklers.